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The Twin Fin Pig is designed for very small surfing conditions. It became popular as everybody went for extremes on fish designs. It has a very flat focker with Bonzer vee combo at the tail section. A twin fin set up with a trailer fin results in a very loose board with a good drive. It should be ordered 3 to 5 inches shorter than your normal board and 1/2 to 1 inch wider.
1 Comment
9/10 By Hal on 2012-07-25
This board is amazing. Just took it out for the first time yesterday. I thought a 5'6" x 20" x 3.40" would be too short a length, and was incredibly hesitant to spend what little money I have on this board in the shop (wanted to special order it as a 5'8"). I took it out yesterday in 2.5 - 3 ft waves in Montauk and got wave after wave after wave. It was my first day ever on this board, and my first day ever on a board this short. I am in love. This board is fast. You don't even need to catch the shoulder immediately, just drive down and ahead of the white water, and then over to the shoulder. Fast enough to do this. Incredibly buoyant. Feels like you can almost nose ride it. Although there is not very much rocker on it, I didn't pearl it once. It is designed so that you don't even have to think about leaning back. It just doesn't pearl. You will paddle faster on this board than you have ever paddled on a 5'6". Very fun. Well worth the money I spent. I have it set up right now as a 3 fin thruster, and seems like it may even work on big days. Definitely not a retro board - rather is a type never made before. Truly the future for East coast surf. I'll save my Channel Islands for the two or three days out of the year that we actually see real swells on Long Island.