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The Stretch by Gordon & Smith was originally one of our popular models in the 60's. The nose is basically cut off so when noseriding, your weight is a few inches back from where it would normally be if the nose was still there...and it's pretty cool looking!
50/50 rails slowly fades into a soft 60/40 rail in the tail for a little more speed. A blended concave in the nose for that extra lift, fades into flat then into belly towards the tail. Parallel rails allows the board to pick up speed while in trim. The rocker is slightly flatter for speed, and for that classic vintage board feel. The tail is pulled in just at the end for some fun old school pivot turns. This is a great old school board for doing some new school noseriding on.
The Stretch comes with a gloss and polish finish, and a single fin box with fin.
1 Comment

By Steve B on 2013-08-11
As a specialized nose-rider, this is not at all a board for a beginner. The low entry rocker is an invitation for the novice to pearl time and again! The parallel-ish rails are not conducive to turning. But it does what it was designed for quite well: ride the tip. For the more advanced rider who knows how to handle a board of this sort, it is a fine ride.