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Mangiagli Fish by Becker - Phil nailed this puppy in the 70’s and he has recreated this classic with updates that will spin your head for sure! same template, beveled rail and wing system as the board we all remember, but with an updated fin system that gives you so much more flexibility and peformance potential. Lighter glassing of course with the improvements in foam and resin in the last 30 years, and he has tweaked the rocker a tad which wasn’t hard to do consider all that he has learned since then... The wing is a bit less pronounced than the original, and you will appreciate that change... It plays into the whole idea of "updating" the original without sacrificing all the qualities that are again making these retro fishes the must have boards for 2005 and beyond.
1 Comment

By Trevor on 0000-00-00
Great board, nice thick, and wide shape, great for someone that wants to move on from a longboard to a short board, very stable, easy to paddle. Not as easy to whip around or move around if you are a begginer, but once you figure out how to move it you will be fine.