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DINO MIRANDA - The Dino is a blend of performance and all-around fun. Along with a slightly rolled entry into the flat with down rails and good edges in the tail the model also features a wider nose for great noseriding.

By Tom Horn on 2009-09-13
We typically have waist to chest high mushy, slow beach break. I need a long-board for the floatation volume because I'm still trying to build paddling strength, but the Dino Miranda needs speed to turn that these waves don't have. I'm looking for a high-volume board that turns more easily in slow mushy waves.

By on 2009-09-13
Need a high-volume board that turns more readily in slow, mushy waves.

By Sean on 2010-06-09
I've surfed this board in double overhead at A Bay on the Big Island and beachbreak in Oceanside. If you want it to manuever better I'd say put a cutaway fin on it. I'd buy this board again.

By Josh on 2014-01-26
Great all around board. Surfed big waves (6-8ft hawaiian). Great on the nose and really easy to paddle. I would recommend this board to anyone. I am 5'9, 160 lbs and surfing for 30 years.

By c on 2013-10-04
good for faster waves. this board seems to outrun mushy or less steep waves. it wants to go fast & turn but needs the right conditions. nose rides easy enough but not as easy as 10-0 noserider. paddles well but not as stable to knee paddle without momentum. moderate stability for a longboard but again this is not a cadillac. good speed. no problems turning but not like a shortboard or funboard. likes floaters.