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“The Biscuit by Channel Island is rad...but since four fins are what all the cool kids are riding these days..might as well turn the Biscuit into the Fishcuit. It’s the perfect combo of the Skinny Fish and The Biscuit, two of my all time favorite surfboards. If you like going fast and feeling like a million bucks then jump in and enjoy the glide.” - Rob Machado
Glide your Fishcuit approximately 6-8 inches shorter than your normal short board.
You want that fast and skatey quad feel on the smallest board possible.

By on 0000-00-00
not good in hollow waves

By on 0000-00-00
not good in hollow waves

By Churchsurfer on 2015-06-28
Just wanted to post an update....surfed a Fishcuit earlier today in marginal surf and found it to be super fun and though it catches waves like a retro fish it feels faster and more maneuverable. Better board than I remember.

By Bob on 2013-06-28

By Matt on 0000-00-00
Best surf you could get for intermediate!

By Paul on 2011-09-17
Great board for bad surf days. Amazingly fast and goes well in mushy surf.

By Churchsurfer on 2014-03-13
I have ridden his model from 5'6 to 6'0 and I find it to be mediocre at best in comparison to what I now available in the marketplace. If you insist on a Merrick groveler from the same period then try the Biscuit. It just surfs better.....

By ian on 2014-09-28
If the waves are mushy and slow, this board kicks into an extra gear that i've never felt before. I've owned this board for 5 years and it makes all those small days fun. Most the people reviewing this board don't know how to ride it. If you can throw some weight into the bottom turn, the quad fins flex and release by launching you forward with speed through any flat section. It wants to do big round house turns with a little flare at the end. Expected this board to lively up any dull session, granted you know how to hit the 5th gear through a good bottom turn.

By Johnny on 2011-09-01
One word......awesome!

By Les Callahan on 0000-00-00
I weight 195 and got a 5' 10" Feel like I should have gotten a 6 or 6'2. Current board catches waves fairly easily but I have trouble with my ability to pop up on this board. Thats never been a problem in the pastt. It is fun to ride when I am up. But stll seems to small.

By Gordon on 0000-00-00

By josh on 2012-09-13
great board best in waves under 6ft ... love this board

By HuntingtonLocal on 2013-08-14
I love everything about this board, went from a 7'2" funboard to this really fun 5'4" fishcuit, I'm 5'6" 135, I wasn't the best in the water but after some adjusting I'm extremely comfortable out in the water and gain so much confidence with my overall performance. I wouldn't recommend this board when it gets steep gets tricky after 6'+

By Lance on 2013-08-31
how much do these go for, incl. shipping (i'm in SA)

By JesusIsTheAnswer on 2012-07-28
I'm 6'2" 180 lbs. intermediate/advanced ability, and the 5'8" floats me perfectly (I know, I was skeptical at first, but the wide tail, no rocker, and overall volume make this board a small wave catching machine). Best for waves from 3'-6' (this is when this board gets EXTREMELY FAST down the line! -See Rob Machado surfing Fishcuit on Youtube). Takes off like a missile down the line with a pump or two. Not good for surf bigger than 6' (no rocker means pearling on steep take offs), or super micro longboard surf (1 footers). This is my super fun/fast/skatey/every day workhorse in San Diego. Definitely my favorite board in my collection. Rob Machado, thank you, you really got this one right.

By henny on 2011-11-20
At 6'1" 190" the 5'6" with 36L of volume floats me easily . This board gets me in the lineup on days I woud normally stay home . It's a wave hog and very fast.I found the board to "die" in flat spots with the stock AM2 fronts and 50/50 foiled rears. I settled for Stretch quads up front and 375 pivot rears. Loosens up the tail a bit. Stretch quad all around for better surf. I have ridden it in steeper conditions .it flies ! just be aware... very little rocker.Not used to "retro " boards , but it's fun and again,,,fast. -_enjoy ~