Overall Rating: 8.5/10
Bert Burger - Sunova Wavehog
Bert Burger - Sunova Wavehog
(6 Reviews)
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TYPE: Hybrids,Funboards
SIZE: Length: 6' 4" to 7' 6"
Width: 21.00" to 22.50"
Thickness: 2.5" to 2.75"
MATERIAL: Wood,Other
TAIL: Pin,Round
FIN: Tri Fin
SKILL LEVEL: Advanced Starting - Intermediate
FEATURES: Technology/Materials: Sunova Construction
USED PRICE: $0.00 - $0.00

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Bert Burger - Sunova Wavehog

Manufacturer Description
The unfair advantage in a crowded line up Paddle power, taking off late and deep, still surfing like you did 20 years ago. It is just not fair on the other guys in the line up. With adequate area and length for good paddle power, combined with high performance curves, low rails, a tight pulled in tail, softened bottom rails and bottom contours that allowtight performance surfing. The Wavehog has emerged as a favorite among older surfers that still want to hassle with the pack and bust some solid turns. One of the long established boards in the original Sunova collection, the thought behind the design was a board that has paddle power but also still had performance short board features. We took it a step further and formed the bottom rail to help with good hold on the face on late drops, then built in some bottom contours so it will have predictable control when its critical. The Wavehog, for those who want the advantage

Ratings and Reveiws (6 Reviews)

Overall Rating: 8.5/10
Paddling: 8.34/10
Stability: 8.34/10
Speed: 9/10
Manuevarability: 8.34/10
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