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Why Look For The Perfect Board?

There are a lot of different surfboards out there and for a beginner the choice can be overwhelming, does it even matter?  We think so. (more...)


New Board Designs

Beating the Blackball Easier Than You Think

Its summer time and that means the blackball is back, but before you resign to not going to the beach, we have the inside scoop on blackball beater boards. (more...)



Key Factors to Finding the Most Optimal Surfboard Size

Understanding density, surface area and volume will help you find the most optimal surf board. (more...)



Ignore the Rail at Your Own Risk

There might be more to your surfboard's rails than you are giving them credit for. (more...)



Finding The Sweet Spot Reduces Your Foam

In many sports involving the use of equipment, the topic of a "sweet spot" comes into play. (more...)

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