The Environmental Impact of Surfing: Part Three – Travel
Surfers are known for chasing waves around the world, but our journeys produce greenhouse gases that are causing climate change. Here are some tips on how we can be kind to mother nature. (more...)
The Environmental Impact of Surfing: Part Two – Surfboards
Every man made has some environmental impact which many environmentalists have begun tracking through carbon emissions. Surfboards are no exception. Lets take a look at the CO2 emissions of a surfboard from cradle to grave. (more...)
First Continuous Circular Wave Pool Completed - April Fools 2011
The first ever continuous circular wave pool opened for testing this week in Warsaw, Poland. The $5 Million "People's Wave Center" is the first working model of it's kind and represents a step forward for surfing. (more...)
The Environmental Impact of Surfing: Part One – Introduction
Mother Nature provides waves to surf, but how do surfers return the favor? This series of articles will discuss the highs and lows of surfing’s interaction with the environment. (more...)
The gear you where while surfing will allow you to stay comfortable, warm and rash free. There are a wide range of options available depending on the water temperature. Find out whats right for you. (more...)